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Meet the Board

Jackie Nugent
Founder & CEO

Her name… Jackie E. Nugent
Also Known as MJ…. SOME also call her Ms. J,  others know her as mamma J, AND some know her as Minister J…. but Jackie Nugent says it’s not WHAT name or title you call her that matters most rather, that the name of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is made KNOWN, through her character and service!


Jackie delights in saying "I am the one and only reigning queen of my castle!” to her husband Paul and 3 princes, Rishawn, Xavier and Isaac!” As the lone woman in her household, Jackie certainly appreciates and celebrates ALL of her womanhood! Jackie is also a proud grandmother to the lovely, energetic and very clever Avah-Moriah!


She is the president and founder of EMBRACE Women’s Services (EWS), a not-for-profit organization, commissioned to help women transition through personal hardships and hurts to a renewed state of hope and healing. Ultimately, EWS creates ‘cycles of help’, as women are equipped and released to extend 'cycles of help, hope and healing' to others.


As a, dynamic speaker, conference host and program facilitator, Jackie inspires audiences from all walks of life. Her life’s mission is to see the awakening of potential, the unleashing of power and the fulfillment of God’s purpose in the lives of others!

Under Construction Personal Growth and Development Consulting is her recently launched company, created as a vehicle to help individuals and groups achieve confidence and purpose filled living.  “We are ALL a work in progress” says Jackie… therefore Jackie says she is her first client… committed to the concept of lifelong transformational processes of

growth and development!

At times feeling rejected and ridiculed, Colleen has used laughter as
medicine to help heal the pain of life’s traumas, mistakes, and disappointments. Colleen is an Actress and Playwright that is an energetic and passionate performer who knows that “the joy of the Lord is her strength”. Whether on stage doing comedy or facilitating workshops in a classroom, Colleen is known to delivers positive, insightful and encouraging messages about the hope and love of Jesus Christ. As our Programs Director, Colleen's ability to capture her audience with the art of story-telling that keeps our women engaged and roaring with laughter which ultimately makes every one of EWS events or programs a life changing experience for our women.

Colleen Taffe
Board Member

Yolando Robinson

Yolando Robinson
Board Member

Siobhan; a Mother, a Real Estate Investor and Mortgage Broker has committed her life's work to helping Mother's create a Legacy for themselves and their families in both their Spiritual and their Natural Lives.  It's been six years since Siobhan has been connected with the women of Embrace and confesses that she is a TRUE testament of EWS's purpose. Her life has been dramatically enhanced through the "cycle of help" - giving her clearer insight on who she is, who's she is and what purpose the Lord has placed on her life. She states that serving the Kingdom and the Community alongside the Women of Embrace has been the most rewarding experience in her life to date.

Siobhan Bent
Board Member
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